Saturday, August 3, 2013

Regence romance

I like Regency Romance. I started way back with Barbara Cartland. Her books were what I thought love and marriage was like, novels to moon over, daydream over the fashion, the handsome man to save the lady. Georgette Heyer, Nora Roberts,Jayne Ann Krantz, Mary Balough ,LaVyrle Spencer all were inspiring. WITH my Kindle I can read all I want because price is low, easy to carry. Just finished:authors, Christine Courtenay "Once Bitten Twice Shy" a widower finds love in the ladys regarded by the ton "wallflowers,spinsters. "Marry in Haste" Amelia avoiding her mean spirit cousin at a ball overhears Viscount Demar that he needs to marry at once. Dorothy McFalls "Marriage List" Viscount Evers in the attempt to find a wife he lists what a wife should do and main thing not to sell his horse.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,other books I liked: "WALK ME HOME" by Catherine Ryan Hyde, two sisters cross the American Southwest. one sister looking for the family she lost, the other sister looks to find a home. "PRICELESS a RYLEE ADAMSON" by Shannon Mayer , Rylee looks for lost children taken by supernatural critters wolf,goblins,witches. I like Sue Grafton novels, up to D for" DEADBEAT" unfailingly entertaining and the end of the road is more disturbing than Kinsey could have imagined. Happy reading. ljhlazycat (leave comment, I would like to your thoughts)

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