Thursday, February 28, 2013

SHIFTING PLAINS- author Jean Johnson

Jean Johnson; " Shifting Plains" A fascinating, new fantasy land, a land with people who are shape shifters and some who are not shape shifters. A  must buy book, utterly engaging, thoroughly romantic, wildly fresh new view.

Ms. Johnson also writes a sci-fi novel "A Soldiers Duty". A combat soldier just like GI Jane, only our heroin IA, sees into the future and she believes that being a soldier, then officer, she can keep humanity on the correct path.  A must buy book also. If you want acting from a tough Bitch, read this book!

Second book is "Officers Duty"

Ms. Johnson also writes, "Sons of Destiny". I have to admit that I have not read any of this series, but I will. She writes so good, her words bring images to life, the land, the people and the peoples traditions. It's enough to keep you hooked.

cute pictures

cute pictures let us smile and relax

makes our imagination soar

makes us stop and smell the flowers

and get a nap,     ljhlazycat

Monday, February 25, 2013

HER SKY COWBOY- author Beth Ciotta

 new author  : Beth Ciotta: the novel  HER SKY COWBOY. A new set of books on The Glorious Victorious Darcys.  The cover art is cool. A man dressed like a cowboy holding a gun not from this world, standing next to Amelia Darcy in a victorian corset.  Brass and steel dirigibles fly over Victorian England. Wild, crazy inventors altered history by time travel to the past or new parallel universe. People came from the future bring modern ideas,machines and changing the past.  Marshall ,our cowboy, his flying ship hit Amelia’s flying bicycle, rescued her and took the bent bike on his ship. The crew  did not trust her,  Marshall was intrigued by the flying lady, then a band of pirates attached them forced Amelia unto their flying ship and disappeared in a very thick fog. Marshall was not going to let this insult go. Fixing damage to their ship, they set about tracking down the pirate ship. Amelia was put in a narrow room with a cot. Spent a terrible nerve racking night. New day she was forced into a victorian style dress taken to the pirate captain to eat with him. He eyed her chest with delight , Amelia thinking if she was going to lose her virginity she would rather give it to Marshall and as if called up by her thoughts he appeared in the cabin window, motion her to come, at the same time a big explosion sound rocking the air ship the pirate ran out to see, Amelia ran to the window open it and jumped into Marshall arms and away they flew on a flying horse.  Landing on Marshall’s ship  Amelia got a good look a the horse and a scold from Marshall which she blasted right back about the kidnap, she slapped his face, his patience spent arguing he wrestled her to the bed stating he wanted her but not by force as the captain pirate had intended. She lay there flushed and panting making up her mind she reared up and kissed him.

Wow! a new talent in paranormal romance, if your looking for something new, this book has it all.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

I have always had a love for books.  this is my escape from life, problems, I have some authors that are so good I save them. 

Like < Ann McCaffrey; her series on Pern .
Wen Spencer; The Alien Taste (four books in these series) and A  Brothers Price. 
Lois M. Bujold; Sharing Knife (1,2,3,4 books) and Vorkosigan series starting with Shards of Honor,
Jim Butcher; the Harry Dresden Files, starting with Storm Front.
Rob Thurman; a Cal Leandros  series.
Tanya Huff; Confederation Novels,  Keepers Chronicles and Enchantment Emporium.
Thomas Perry, Butcher’s Boy, Metzger’s Dog.
Linnea Sinclair; Finders Keeper.
John Levitt;  Dog days, New Tricks.
Ilona Andrews; Kate Daniels World.
Daniel R Kerns; Hero
Dina P Francis; Horngate Witches series.
David Weber; Honor Harrington series.

Reading relaxes the mind. gives a person something else to think about. read out loud to a child, or any person as this is also a way to have company or to give company to someone.

I look at least once a month to see if any one of the above beloved authors have written anything.

Look into Amazon on the internet great buys.    Thanks   for stopping.  ljhlazycat

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Deadworld - J.N. Duncan

A great twisty twist on vampire lore. A first novel of a great writer.   We have FBI Jackie Rutledge working on a case involveing the deaths of children drained of blood.  With her psychic partner Laural Carpenter, a witch,  the duo takes help from a PI Nick Anderson, who also is a vampire .  Nick was a sheriff in the 1800 when a killer killed his family and left him for dead.  Sheriff Nick traced, traved miles though time looking for vampire Cornelius Drake untill current day.  P.I. Nick, FBI Jackie, Psychic Laurel final figure out that the vampire jumps or crosess into the cold dead atmosphere where the dead spirits reside.  A thin line between dead and alive.

A great read!   read the next one  Vengeful Dead  and  Lingering Dead


Death Statue

She lived in a box;  came out every day dressed perfect. She came back each evening dropped to her knees and crawled in the box.

He watched day, night worried some one would hurt her.  he knew about hurt, he had hurt many women; but this one he could not touch.  He watched day and night ; how could she live in a box.  HOW?  a manta circled his mind . Hitting the glass pane he screamed "look up".  He was desperate she had to look at him. He ran the short distance hitting  his head on the glass.

She looked up, then rose up, up untill she looked at him bleeding and smiled.  He couldn't speak.  A guard entered pulled him from the window, NO NO,he screamed at the guards pulling him out the door, she smiled waved come here. Get the chair said a guard loosing his grip;  This was it, running as desperate man can hitting his head on the window at the same place shattering it and his skull. The women smelling so good held him, we being waiting a long time you, come and they moved though the glass down to the box.

His body fell to the floor, the gaurd shook his head "gone crazy, like all the others, this cell gives me the creeps"

by Jadee

thanks for stopping by-  ljhlazycat

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

WebMage-author Kelly McCullough

I found this book, WebMage,  picked up, put back, looked over rest of book rack, came back to WebMage and bought it in 2006. Read the book, liked the leading character. A fairy connected with the FATE  and both live with us  connected by the internet, compter language carries fairy spells.   In a twisted logic I think gods of fate that sew our fabric of life how long or short we live would find the convence of computers, the speed of sending messages or spells across the wire.  They have used electricity since the invention and whose to say fairies did not help man inventions along.  Fairies have been part of our story lives to either frighten us or tease us with riches beyond our greed.

Look at Staying Dead  a retriever who use her magic with electricty, computer  to find things that have been lost over ages of time .  Wren finds artfacts  made by fairies,demons, humans caught up in spells. Wren with other magical feeling beings work together and seperate  to retrieve items that could hurt or change humanity.

WebMage our hero is Ravirn a fairy computer geek trying to stay in university, he loves to find the fault in anybodys program or program spells.  This of course makes the university &amp; fairy teachers upset; especialy Atropos a powerful Fate fairy with a memory crystal that contanes a spell to change the balance of free will in humans to more docile manageable humans and then subdue the other magic using beings.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

JF LEWIS-author

 want to introduce author JF LEWIS,  his first novel written 2009 ,STAKED. A vampire book, races out with our Eric the vampire holding the head of a just dead vampire and a dead werewolf and can not remember what happened and not enough magic to transform into an animal, he gets back to his a strip club and has sex with his girlfriend who has been bugging him about turning her into a vampire, he usually says no but this time he turns her, falls asleep and wakes with a mess. Hunger drives him out where he is rammed by four trucks with werewolfs, dragged out and  staked, upon waking he found all the weres shot and tore up like a vampire got them. Was he set up?  He got back to the club, had a fight with his new vampire ,business partner invites him to a icehocky game , he drinks blood wine gets drunk and fights the werewolf hockey team ( is there a patten of betrayal here?)
Betrayal, love, sex good for the first novel. second novel REVAMPED is maybe just a little better, wicked wit 
Everyone was shaken out of bed by a loud screaming screech bright ball of light flaming tail falling to earth breaking the sound barrier and knocking us to the ground.   Later we found  ten rocks, ton size to small car size. One on the city hall lawn, three in the towns cemetary, four scattered on lawns across town and joy of joys one was at the top of my driveway way out of town at my place Divine Nature Preserve about 10 miles from town an area of dry land, marsh and swamp.
I walked down the driveway to the bright changing color spikey rock. It sat there hissing like a radiator and the air was hot.  “Well what a trip you had. I hope nothing is broken, I will see if you are here in the morning.”
I returned to the stairs and climbed up to my platform treehouse, it was reenforced by steel beams, a large tree limb,a two bedroom, kitchen , bath, small livingroom and a large livingroom area art working room. It’s about 30 feet off ground, plus the native plants grow under the platform along with desert flowers next to the creek.
The next morning, I ran out to the porch rail and looked over. No rock, but a light was coming from underneath the porch. Tripping down the stairs, the light got brighter. There was the rock sitting on the edge of the creek with part of its edge in the water. The water was rushing over the rock and it got brighter as it got wetter.
“Well, don’t you look happy. Do the different colors mean anything? How did you move?” I heard the phone ring, so I went inside the house to answer it…
‘Hello, Devine  art and Park Reserve. Hey Don, you have an odd rock? Yes, I have one, they are landing all over town? Ok, no, I will not remove it this is a preserve area. Bye.”
I went back to the rock and said, “Well, it looks like you have other travelers with you. I wish I could tell them to come here.”  All day long the phone rang, I told people how to dig up the rocks, giving them directions to the reserve and then,
“What, you can’t get the rock out? Put your cell phone next to the rock. Hi, I know you are afraid, but you will be safer here. Let them move you.”
Nine rocks came, 1st one large had driver set a top of driveway and each one after down the driveway toward the house; rock 7 came in pieces. Reaching inside,whispering soft sound,words of comfort, laying the crystal into the water. 8 & 9 came seemed to be holding each other and trembling. Rolling the rock to the grass I sprayed water over them.  As the water cover the crystal the colors lightened up, the crystals glowed. “Where they come from” one awed visitor asked. “Don’t know. they all fell from the sky,so maybe a planet blew up.”  Might be some money be made, crystal are money, maybe we should of kept ours was some of the comments as the crowd slowly left.  I looked over the group “if you understand, you will be safer up here under the house and maybe I’ll let the small alligator roam tonight”
Thanks for stopping and reading. ljhlazycat