Thursday, February 28, 2013

SHIFTING PLAINS- author Jean Johnson

Jean Johnson; " Shifting Plains" A fascinating, new fantasy land, a land with people who are shape shifters and some who are not shape shifters. A  must buy book, utterly engaging, thoroughly romantic, wildly fresh new view.

Ms. Johnson also writes a sci-fi novel "A Soldiers Duty". A combat soldier just like GI Jane, only our heroin IA, sees into the future and she believes that being a soldier, then officer, she can keep humanity on the correct path.  A must buy book also. If you want acting from a tough Bitch, read this book!

Second book is "Officers Duty"

Ms. Johnson also writes, "Sons of Destiny". I have to admit that I have not read any of this series, but I will. She writes so good, her words bring images to life, the land, the people and the peoples traditions. It's enough to keep you hooked.

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