Tuesday, February 19, 2013

WebMage-author Kelly McCullough

I found this book, WebMage,  picked up, put back, looked over rest of book rack, came back to WebMage and bought it in 2006. Read the book, liked the leading character. A fairy connected with the FATE  and both live with us  connected by the internet, compter language carries fairy spells.   In a twisted logic I think gods of fate that sew our fabric of life how long or short we live would find the convence of computers, the speed of sending messages or spells across the wire.  They have used electricity since the invention and whose to say fairies did not help man inventions along.  Fairies have been part of our story lives to either frighten us or tease us with riches beyond our greed.

Look at Staying Dead  a retriever who use her magic with electricty, computer  to find things that have been lost over ages of time .  Wren finds artfacts  made by fairies,demons, humans caught up in spells. Wren with other magical feeling beings work together and seperate  to retrieve items that could hurt or change humanity.

WebMage our hero is Ravirn a fairy computer geek trying to stay in university, he loves to find the fault in anybodys program or program spells.  This of course makes the university & fairy teachers upset; especialy Atropos a powerful Fate fairy with a memory crystal that contanes a spell to change the balance of free will in humans to more docile manageable humans and then subdue the other magic using beings.

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