Monday, February 25, 2013

HER SKY COWBOY- author Beth Ciotta

 new author  : Beth Ciotta: the novel  HER SKY COWBOY. A new set of books on The Glorious Victorious Darcys.  The cover art is cool. A man dressed like a cowboy holding a gun not from this world, standing next to Amelia Darcy in a victorian corset.  Brass and steel dirigibles fly over Victorian England. Wild, crazy inventors altered history by time travel to the past or new parallel universe. People came from the future bring modern ideas,machines and changing the past.  Marshall ,our cowboy, his flying ship hit Amelia’s flying bicycle, rescued her and took the bent bike on his ship. The crew  did not trust her,  Marshall was intrigued by the flying lady, then a band of pirates attached them forced Amelia unto their flying ship and disappeared in a very thick fog. Marshall was not going to let this insult go. Fixing damage to their ship, they set about tracking down the pirate ship. Amelia was put in a narrow room with a cot. Spent a terrible nerve racking night. New day she was forced into a victorian style dress taken to the pirate captain to eat with him. He eyed her chest with delight , Amelia thinking if she was going to lose her virginity she would rather give it to Marshall and as if called up by her thoughts he appeared in the cabin window, motion her to come, at the same time a big explosion sound rocking the air ship the pirate ran out to see, Amelia ran to the window open it and jumped into Marshall arms and away they flew on a flying horse.  Landing on Marshall’s ship  Amelia got a good look a the horse and a scold from Marshall which she blasted right back about the kidnap, she slapped his face, his patience spent arguing he wrestled her to the bed stating he wanted her but not by force as the captain pirate had intended. She lay there flushed and panting making up her mind she reared up and kissed him.

Wow! a new talent in paranormal romance, if your looking for something new, this book has it all.

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