Sunday, March 17, 2013


A debut novel written in 2010 by J.A. Pitts, BLACK BLADE BLUES.  Yes I am reading it 3 years after publication but the story is worthy of first class introduction.   Entertaining, action and ancient myth mixed with magic and human compassion.

Black Blade Blues we meet Sarah Beauhall a blacksmith. Right there tells us she has strength.
 She works with horse and helps a young director in a movie of vikings, dwarfs, axes and swords.

A short man came to her shop and wanted her to reforge a sword with a broken tip. She  took the sword from its  scabbard; holding it a warm longing sensation overcame Sarah.  She agrees.  But, turns out by re-forging the sword it bonds to Sarah and Sarah feels very protective of it which to Sarah is weird.
The world tilts as an explosion over the Pacific Nothwest sends fire in the sky and ground shook .  Sarah rushes to her girlfriends house. All looks ok except for the red sky and volcano exploding and a homeless man runs at Sarah yelling the dragon is freed and two giants attack him.  Sarah jumps back to her car for her hammers but grabs the sword, the old man yells something in a language Sarah does not understand but her mind and body react excitedly and Sarah is jumping, slashing, leaping and fighting two giants.
Slowly Sarah learns of trolls, orges, witches and the cost of love. To be true to yourself and hold on to your love and lover.

Norse Mythology, Fafnir's Bane, Odin , King Konungr.

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