Sunday, March 24, 2013

Peter Brett, Bujold,Victoria Laurie,John Levett

lazycat just read two books and now he is napping.  
The Warded Man, The first book is a novel by Peter V. Brett.  
 A very interesting novel of a bizarre world where at night like vampires demon beast come out of the ground to kill and eat anything including their own wounded.  The humans live by night in warded houses and by day doing chores to live. The Wards are magical drawings past down century after century.  Men are trained in Warding, women in Healing and Messengers in carrying messages, food , metal traded between villages.  Three survivors  gradually come to gather to set humans free and destroy the demons. Excellent read ; I believe teens would enjoy it
.ook is by Lois McMaster Bujold, An author famous for her 1990 series Vorkosigan Sage.  A novel of love, war, space travel planet to planet.  The first book is SHARDS OF HONOR, where  Cordelia Naismith meets Captain Aral Vorkosigan and battle their way though an doomed battle between Barrayar and Escobar fall in love and the story goes on with their son Miles,  The last novel I just finished is CRYBURN.  A Miles Vorkosigan story again  out to save Barrayar from the planet Kiboh-daini.   The planets people are using cryogenitis to try to defeat death.  Miles was saved by battle medics using a cryounit in MEMORY.
I  must talk about the series THE SHARING KNIFE;  BEGUILMENT. Fawn ,our heroine, forced from her home travels though dangers forest, kidnapped by bandits saved by a lakewalker warrior.  Their story is so sweet with dangerous patches that keeps you interested. I urge you to read it.
Victoria Laurie.
“What’s a Ghoul to do?”  caught my attention in 2007, a title that says read me. I did and fell in book love.  M.J. Holliday a medium,ghost buster with her partner Gilley Gillespie and her lovable African Grey Parrot  race to save the ghost from being stranded and making the bad ghost get busted.
Victoria Laurie is a real life psychic and clairvoyant; how cool is that.  So is it possible her novels and characters are her life story.
Believe it or not “Abby Cooper: Psychic Eye” is terrific, believable and smart.  We connect with her and her insecurity over her “ability”, with her struggle to be herself  in the face of a gorgeous Detective who is convinced she is a fraud and guilty of murder.
to date Ms. Laurie has written 13 novels, I read them all. Now it is your turn.
John Levitt;  “DOG DAYS” ; published in 2007- Starts the three book series.
  Dog Days lets us peek in the life of  Mason a jazz guitar player and his faithful sidekick Louie.
Louie is a dog or is he?  Magic moves in a city of ordinary people and buildings that may not be ordinary. 
 Mason is one of the magical practitioners that can see, move and create magic.  Used to enforce magic laws now semi-retired to just play jazz. 
 Louie and Mason face a dark magic practitioner, one that has found a “gem” that increases his magic ability.  The way he gets and keeps the “gems” become a battle for Louie, Mason and other special pets; like Louie who attach themselves to strong magic practitioners,.
A swirling story of loyalty, determination, love that plays out like a fast hot jazz score dancing the reader around.
book 1 Dog Days, book 2 New Tricks, book 3 Unleashed.

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