Friday, March 22, 2013

GAMES OF COMMAND -author Linnea Sinclair

Romance in the deepest space.

 After the alliance of peace between the Triad and the United Coalition, Captain Tasha "Sass" Sebastian finds herself under the command of biocybe Admiral Branden Kel-Paten on his awesome high tech ship the Vaxxar.

She was allowed three other United Coalition members to join her on the Vaxxar.  But not known to them two aliens of a race that look like  cats telepathic, and able to leave and enter the ship undetected join them as pets to Sass.
 Sass grew up in hardship and learned to fly a starship, but also to sneak close to fat merchant ship and with her extra super transporter remove needed items. She and Admiral Kel-Patan crossed paths many times but he always found nothing to attest for and her was amused by her lack of not being afraid of him .
Now he had her on his ship and he did try to tell her of his attraction to her but each time he got her alone time was just never enough,

I loved the "love dance" in Sinclair's dialogue between Admiral and Sass,

Romance, love growing in very believable settings

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