Saturday, August 3, 2013

Regence romance

I like Regency Romance. I started way back with Barbara Cartland. Her books were what I thought love and marriage was like, novels to moon over, daydream over the fashion, the handsome man to save the lady. Georgette Heyer, Nora Roberts,Jayne Ann Krantz, Mary Balough ,LaVyrle Spencer all were inspiring. WITH my Kindle I can read all I want because price is low, easy to carry. Just finished:authors, Christine Courtenay "Once Bitten Twice Shy" a widower finds love in the ladys regarded by the ton "wallflowers,spinsters. "Marry in Haste" Amelia avoiding her mean spirit cousin at a ball overhears Viscount Demar that he needs to marry at once. Dorothy McFalls "Marriage List" Viscount Evers in the attempt to find a wife he lists what a wife should do and main thing not to sell his horse.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,other books I liked: "WALK ME HOME" by Catherine Ryan Hyde, two sisters cross the American Southwest. one sister looking for the family she lost, the other sister looks to find a home. "PRICELESS a RYLEE ADAMSON" by Shannon Mayer , Rylee looks for lost children taken by supernatural critters wolf,goblins,witches. I like Sue Grafton novels, up to D for" DEADBEAT" unfailingly entertaining and the end of the road is more disturbing than Kinsey could have imagined. Happy reading. ljhlazycat (leave comment, I would like to your thoughts)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Heat Wave/ Rain

Hi. What a heat wave we had start of this week, July 14. Now today the Rain Is Splashing and Crashing down.
I love my Kindle book reader. While the rain fell finished reading The Wickedest Witch by Eva Langlais, a crazy tale of romance among witches and shifters. Sexy scenes to blush over and a ending to remind us to be careful for what we wish for. Then read One Deadly Sister by Rod Hoisington. And Sterling (Mageri series bk 1) by Dannika Dark. And Of Swine and Roses by Ilona Andrews a delight tale of love found in magic and mud. A MUST READ! Moved over to Regency Romance, The Wicked Wager by Anya Wylde. and went to Amazon Kindle book and found more on sale. Can't miss a sale. Amazon sales are good price sales. So I down loaded ;1 An Independent Lady by Margaret Bennett also Hopeless Hoyden; 2 Armed and Fabulous by Camilla Chafer; 3 Bloodfire(Blood Destiny) by Helen Harper;4 The Marriage List by Dorothy McFalls; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Books Books I want be an Author, I dance in words I create my world. Book book book word after word bring beings to life Books book I want to be an author? poem by Jean Thank you for stoping. See you next week. ljhlazycat

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I don't like to whine, WHINE. But I am going today. I have been battling a headache, I been to a head dr, spine dr, and now my family want me to see nerve dr. Is that not a neurolgrist, (my spelling is not good). Well while I wait for a a pain tablet to let relief, I play POGO games, and surf the web. I was look at Amazon looking at books on Kindle. So I added One Deadly Sister by Rod Hoisington; The Keepers By Donna Augustine; Wickedest Witch by Eva Langlais. Amazon has some great merchandise. I have one grandson 19 going to trade college, he is choosy on clothe; he did like the shoes, his iPod. So far Amazon ship is great and returns are easy . I have a 14 grandson going into high school. He wanted a bow,arrows and target. They arrived today. It will be fun to watch him learn. Take well.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Fathers day is coming. Amazon has is many great deals. I like the Kindle deal. A Kindle is light weight for book, magazines ,newspaper. Easy to read, easy to carry in a pocket. That would a surprise any Father would appreciate.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Funny large shoes

Thanks to everyone reading my Blog, we got a laugh on the pink shoe, I meant to show a small shoe; could not find one I liked to fit with the novel All seeing eye then I found the wooden platform by LcLauren. I wanted a pair. So I took picture of the Pink shoe reduced to small size the fit the text print and saved and published. Thinking I got it right and and back to write about another book and burst into laugher. The shoe was big, big. I admit I am a book hoarder,had to clean some up and admit I cried, then I talked myself into a Kindle from Amazon, I have already put 5 novels on it. 1) Bronze Gods by A.A.Aguirre 2) Slashback by Rob Thurman 3) Silver Shark by Ilona Andrews 4) A Girl,a Guy and a Ghost by Patricia Mason 5) Magic Dreams by Ilona Andrews I love the smell of paper of new books but as I am limited on space I will read books by Kindle. So far I find it easy to hold, easy to read, and it keeps the place where you stopped reading. I hope you find a good book to read. ljhlazycat

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Rob Thurman is one of my favorite authors. The The Cal Leandros, Trickster, Korsak Brothers, and All Seeing Eye are urban thrillers, supernatural thriller each one have enough humanity decoded in the monsters. In ALL SEEING EYE we meet Jackson Lee a born psychic. The gift grows as he grows until he sees his sister pink shoe, his family killed and he and his younger sister was sent to state orphan with other unwanted kids till they runaway or turn 18. At sixteen Jackson does the runaway, street hustle for money following a seedy carnival. Fate and the cynical view of the world Jackson grow up in turns him to All Seeing Eye trickster, fraud, believers come to his store front to be conned, or believe. But fate deals another card one Jackson should have seen coming, government military looking for the next weapon based on psychic talent. Jackson's downfall is his surety he needs no one and no one needs him. The government program is a failure and a success, shows Jackson that what knows about himself can change as suddenly as did as the day he found the pink shoe ;fate works the lost; sister brings home the lost sister baby; fate is constant its never for the better........................................................................................................................................................................ I looked for a pink shoe to show psychic talent, but find the Lc Lauren Platform Sandal,..................